Friday, December 02, 2005


I went to my first M.O.P.S. [Mothers of Preschoolers] get together today. It was nice. One of the other moms gave me a ride to and from the church so that I could hang out with other moms and Kimi could hang out with other kids. It was good to get out of the house for a little bit this morning.

Unfortunately, I came home and the house cleaning fairy had not visited. In fact the cat decided it was high time she destroy an entire roll of paper towels; leaving paper towel bits all over the dining and living room. I'm not lying when I say that it looks like a paper towel roll exploded all over my house.

In a moment of insanity, it occurred to me to have Kimi "help" me out and pick up the paper towels. She was agreeable at first. I think it was a ruse for now she is very very quiet. And I am quite afraid to check on what she is actually doing.

For the most part I think that The Snoog and The Cat are conspiring against the rest of The Humans and The Dog. My team is losing.



At 20:21, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your cat looks soooooooo evil creeping up behind that chair! LOL
Like it's up to something! hahahaaaaaaa

Your baby's so cute...

At 02:14, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a cutie...

At 11:24, Blogger AfricaBleu said...

Cats. (head shaking in disgust)

That's all I, a die-hard DOG person, can say.

And kids... (smiling with the head-shaking)

...gotta love 'em.

Congrats on your new MOPS adventure. When my young 'uns were pre-schoolers, I was a faithful MOPster and then a Discussion Group Co-ordinator for MOPS for YEARS... I loved it. It was so nice to be around a bunch of women who were also on no-sleep and could still laugh. And they all smelled like spit-up and PBJ, too.


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