Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Oh The Thinks You Can Think...

The repairs for my car have sky-rocketed to $2700.

That is because the entire engine needs to be replaced (my fault entirely). So, while birthday bliss is still coursing through my veins, I'm using some of that extra "happy" to get me through the next few days as realization sinks in.

In the meantime...maybe a nice big check made out to me will find itself resting in my mailbox before the week is through. It's possible.


At 17:14, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh man. That's alot of dough. I'll hope for that check for ya! Either way, you know you will be provided for...some way some how.

At 17:49, Blogger Kassi Gilbert said...

I cried a little bit earlier...mainly because I'm a big baby. But I've given it over, and one way or another it will all work out.

At 18:41, Blogger Kassi Gilbert said...

I kept putting off the oil change...for FAR too long.

At 01:04, Blogger m said...

Happy Birthday!

Oh I hate car trouble. I hope that when you get if fixed, it stays fixed. That's a lot of money - and at this time of year. Ouch.


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