Saturday, November 26, 2005

How I spent my Thanksgiving vacation by Kassi Gilbert

I don't think that I have ever cook as an elaborate of a meal, and timed it out well enough that everything hit the table in a manner where one thing was warm and the other thing was cold.

Also, I realized that making everything from scratch is not considered simple.

Had I opted for the "from the can to the pan" method, I think that my experience may not have been quite so harrowing...

We have leftovers galore. As I am sure many refridgerators across America has at this time of year.

Nothing was burnt
Everyone was thankful.

We got off to a late start...but we made our way up to the Holiday Inn that my mom and her husband were staying. She had invited us, and my brother and sisters out to stay over, as well as a few other people for dinner. This effectively was our Christmas party since my mom and her hubby would not be able to make it ouf for Christmas this year.

It was very nice. We played a "gift game" after dinner, where the generosity of my parents was revealed. I think that my family alone should receive some sort of Target shopper of the year award. I won a very cool candle holder, and Caleb received a chocolate malt set with "Coca Cola" emblazened on the malt cups.

My kids wanted to go we donned on our bathing suits and entered the pool area. Much to my disappointment; this is where all of the children from the completely booked hotel were located. The water was murky and therefore I opted to sit in the sauna for a bit.

We met back up with my mom and the rest of my family to play a couple of rounds of "Catch Phrase". I highly recommend this game, it is a lot of fun. Especially since my team won both times. woot woot! girls rule!

Some talk was going around the table that a local high school was having their ten year reunion in one of the ball rooms. The music testified to this. And then there was some talk about crashing said particular reunion.

I'm not going to verbally confirm nor deny having taken part in any of those plans. But I will have to make sure to take care of any evidence that may prove my guilt...

Of course, this small token will be much easier to dispose of than the class video tape that the d.j. was preparing for the actual graduates of Flushing High School.

I'm sure someone will wonder who those 6 fools out on the dance floor wearing jeans and tank tops are, and why they didn't hang out with them in high school because they are having so much fun.

My mom should know by now not to bring her children in public.

Lastly, upon returning home (Saturday morning) I crawled upstairs to my room and curled up into my own bed. I just woke up.

I guess the 8 hours of cooking, the holiday festivities, and the class reunion in the span of 2 days just plain tuckered me out.


At 12:49, Blogger Bella said...

wow, sounds like you had a blast!! great weekend sum-up!


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