Thursday, November 03, 2005

Dear Kimi

Sometimes late at night, we will be laying in bed just talking. All of a sudden I will just have this indescribable need to see you and hold you. So one of us will creep into your room at night, scoop you up while you are sleeping and bring you back to bed with us so that we can snuggle you while you are peaceful.

You don't know I do that...because you are sleeping. But I wanted to let you know because during the day when you are awake it seems like I am always scolding you for one thing or another.

If you never listen to another thing I say for the rest of your life...know that I love you.



At 14:51, Blogger AfricaBleu said...

Ha, I do the same thing with my little guy... except now he's eight and HEAVY, so it is a little harder. I usually just end up climbing in bed with HIM instead - much easier that way.

Lovely post.

At 17:09, Blogger Jill said...

My baby is nearing 2 years old and sometimes I'll just go in and watch her sleep and get so anxious for her to wake up so I can play with her again. How is it that someone so little can cause your heart to swell so much?

At 01:39, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh so beautiful. you're such a wonderful mom to do that. we feel the same way sometimes but we never bring the kids in our bed...

At 02:53, Blogger m said...


btw - I do the same thing. Well, with the bigger one, it's just a kiss and a smoothing of the hair that's in her face, but you know.

At 09:25, Blogger SlushTurtle said...

How can they be so sweet when they are sleeping and so, well, you know, when they are awake? It boggles the mind.

At 09:56, Blogger Bella said...

I'm lucky in the way that my daughter will sneak into my bed without me knowing (I'm a heavy sleeper). But I love that moment in the morning, when I open my eyes, and there she is, sleeping peacefully next to me.
The day time is full of hustle and bustle - It's great to have that snuggly magic to keep us so close with our children.

At 18:25, Blogger Kassi Gilbert said...

I'm not a big advocate of kids sleeping in the bed with their parents, but this is the only time she will let us cuddle her...


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