Saturday, September 24, 2005

Semblance of Order

Only when the house is tidy, save for a nicely "lived in" look...
Only when there is a load of dishes in the washer and a freshly cleaned kitchen counter...
Only when there is a load of laundry in the wash, and the dryer is whirring...
Only when the clothes are put away...
Only when the floor has been vacuumed and the spots removed...
Only when the bathrooms are cleaned and santitized; a fresh towel hangs on the rack...
Only when the shelves are dusted; the doorknobs and switchplates disinfected...

Can I sit down and relax.

Only when the papers are filed away...
Only when my personal affects are placed in my cabinet...
Only when the post-it notes with my many scratches are tossed...
Only when my pens are tucked away in their cup...
Only when my red "Lucy" cup sits pertly near my keyboard within hands reach...
Only when the ink stamps are lined in a neat row in the top drawer...
Only when the phone is santized, and the desktop wiped clean...
Only when the mail is sorted, distributed, and interoffice envelopes put back...

Can I sit down at my desk and work.

The need for orderliness and structure in my surroundings overcomes me to the point of unrest absolute.

Everything in its place, and a place for everything...and then I can breathe. My heartbeat slows pace. My vision clears. My thoughts focus.

But I live in a very messy world; in which nothing is in my control.


The pens that are tucked neatly away in their cup. By color.


At 12:38, Blogger AfricaBleu said...

Grab your victories where you can, baby.

In a hundred years...

...your COFFIN can be orderly.

At 16:37, Blogger Jill said...

I thought for a second that I'd written this post!! Wow can I ever relate to all that! Are we obsessive? Do we need to let go and have a little more fun? Nah.

At 17:08, Blogger Kassi Gilbert said...

Organized IS fun. :)


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