Thursday, April 07, 2005

Scraps of Paper

My husband has a habit of emptying his pockets and leaving whatever bits of paper and string that were in them laying on the dresser, or night tables in our room.

Once I asked him if he was the sort of child that would put his treasures in his pockets for his mom to find while sorting laundry...he said yes. I wasn't very surprised.

Therefore, from time to time I go around finding these little piles and sort through them, throwing away whatever isn't important. This morning I found a pile of papers teetering on the edge of the dresser, so I began sorting.

I haven't gone through scraps of paper with any other motive than to get rid of the clutter in a long time.

This is because previous to my relationship with my husband, scraps of paper meant clues to putting together a rather ugly puzzle of deception and betrayal. A puzzle that I HAD to put together or else I would have probably gone crazy because that is what happens when I know someone is lying to me...I'm like a bloodhound on the trail of a scent, I won't stop until I find the source. I became rather good at sleuthing actually...

At any rate, I don't really give much thought to scraps of paper any longer...

Caleb is not the other guy who had lied to me over and over...hence habit of snooping not needed, all is good.

However, this morning I was met with the same sinking sensation when one stumbles upon something inadvertently and is reminded of those dark times or yore....

There I am, sorting, when I happen upon a tightly folded scrap of paper.

As I unfolded it, revealing the content, the floor seemed to fall out from under me making my stomach do a flip flop.

I am in disbelief over this discovery...not sure what I will say when he returns home from work.

Does this mean that everything he has said is a lie...he claims that he loves the way that I make it. couldn't be...but how will he explain why he is in possession of another woman's pulled pork recipe???


At 11:59, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Castration is too good!!! :P

At 14:10, Blogger fin said...

at the risk of sheer vulgarity - he should really leave the pork pulling to his wife...
heh heh heh

At 15:12, Blogger Kassi Gilbert said...

I confronted him when he came home for lunch...he didn't even know that there was a recipe on that piece of paper. Apparently, there were email addresses on the other side...

At 16:22, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And you FELL FOR THAT?? :P

"Sweetie, this isn't for the recipe - this hot babe gave me her Email and I had to take it down SOMEWHERE!" :P

I'm sure he's being culinarily faithful to you - nobody pulls pork like The Kassi!

At 16:34, Blogger Kassi Gilbert said... comment...

At 16:53, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very witty post, by the way.

You had me going until the last line. I nearly actually passed out.


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